A downloadable game


VR Spell Casting PC.zip 137 MB
VR Spell Casting APK.apk 136 MB

Install instructions

Create a lobby, you can give it a name and set the number of player.

Press on the trigger button on the right controller to start castin g a spell.

Release the trigger button to fire the spell.

During the spell casting, you can  do movement and voice recognition.

The list of current spell is :

Default spell (no voice - no gesture)

Protego (no voice - circle gesture)

Incendio (incendio voice - no gesture

Cubico (cubico voice - cube gesture)

accio (axio voice - no gesture)

avada kedavara (avadakedavra  voice - no gesture)



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Hey Valem, Could you make a tutorial on how to play games on Itch.io. People such as myself don't know how to, Thanks!



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